
Friday, October 25, 2013

Watchmen Indie/Underground?



Watchman as Indie/Underground? I guess we hit a though one now. Honestly I don't know what to think of this comic, just as I did with Firefly. This comic like I mentioned before on my blog is kind of like a history book form a specific man point of view. This comic was written to describe and tell a time in the US history from the author's point of view in this case Alan Moore. So is it Indie or and Underground comic? I'm not so sure, first of all to me comics seem a little underground, maybe because I'm not so familiar with them, and I never actually was into them. Where I grew up and up to this day comics, card games, and cartoon games brought to life were kind of underground, so I kind of put all of them into the underground category. I remember very specific locations were you can find this sorts of things. My cousin loved these kind of things and that's how I got to know them but it wasn't really my thing. Now coming back to Watchmen, we all know not all books make it to the big screen. Some of them really have to be big and famous in order to make it all the way to a movie adaption. I think in a way Watchman shares both the Underground part of it, but also the main stream part. It made it to be a huge movie, therefore it has to have something that defines it as mainstream. Even if you take the movie factor out of the way, many peole know about this comic; it might be the only comic they know about, but they know about it. Now coming to the underground part, it could have been a little more underground before than it is today. I mean the comic was written at a period in time were society followed different norms than now a days. The comic reflected times between 1940s and 1960s reflecting the troubles society had during the Vietnam war. It served as a way of expression during the time.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that you compared this to Firefly is clever and it is so accurate. I did not really think about that. Also, I think that it is kind of difficult to tell because we are in a different time period now.
